The year was 1976 when an ambitious 20-something man named Tony Lapi and his wife Angie set out on what would become their journey of a lifetime from Rochester, New York to Captiva Island, Florida. Despite limited experience in the hospitality industry, Tony and his partners eventually acquired what was then ‘Tween Waters Inn on Captiva — a small beachfront resort of 47 cottages, tiny marina and small restaurant.
What a journey it’s been for Tony, Angie and what is today known as Sanibel Captiva Beach Resorts, among the most prestigious hospitality marketing and management organizations in Southwest Florida.
Wednesday September 6, at the annual Visit Florida Governor’s Conference on Tourism, Tony Lapi received among the highest awards of anyone in tourism, in our state, as he was inducted into the Florida Tourism Hall of Fame.
Today, Tony remains active with the corporation he founded almost 50 years ago, serving as Chairman of the Board, while staying involved in many resort and community projects. With three of the corporation’s five resort brands lost to Hurricane Ian, Tony promises to “tone it down a bit to maybe 40 hours a week.”
“With his unwavering dedication, visionary leadership, and tireless commitment to promoting the beauty and culture of Florida, Tony has not only transformed the tourism industry but has also inspired countless individuals to explore and appreciate the beauty of our state. His legacy as a true industry pioneer will forever shine as a beacon of inspiration for generations to come,” said Dana Young, Visit Florida’s president and CEO.
Today, Tony remains active with the corporation he founded almost 50 years ago, serving as Chairman of the Board, while staying active in many resort and community projects. With three of the corporation’s five resort brands lost to Hurricane Ian, Tony promises to “tone it down a bit to maybe 40 hours a week.”
All of us associated with Sanibel Captiva Beach Resorts congratulate Tony on his lifetime of hospitality service, and we thank him for the many ways he’s improved the quality of life for Sanibel, Captiva, Southwest Florida and best of all, his dedicated staff.